Welcome to the DCM Foundation


Patient Insights Network


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ilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heart condition that impacts an estimated one in 250 people. Close to 50% of the time, the cause of DCM is unknown; this is referred to as idiopathic DCM. There is growing evidence that most idiopathic DCM is genetic and can run in families.

The DCM Foundation is partnering with Invitae on the Patient Insights Network (PIN) so that patients diagnosed with DCM and their at-risk family members can share information that may help researchers gain valuable insights into future DCM treatments. Your willingness to participate will help us educate the DCM community and recruit for future research studies.

The information you consent to share in this registry will always be de-identified and confidential. This means that your name or other identifying information will never be linked with the information you share in this registry. Please contact info@dcmfoundation.org for any questions.

Click here to register now!

ilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heart condition that impacts an estimated one in 250 people. Close to 50% of the time, the cause of DCM is unknown; this is referred to as idiopathic DCM. There is growing evidence that most idiopathic DCM is genetic and can run in families.

The DCM Foundation is partnering with Invitae on the Patient Insights Network (PIN) so that patients diagnosed with DCM and their at-risk family members can share information that may help researchers gain valuable insights into future DCM treatments. Your willingness to participate will help us educate the DCM community and recruit for future research studies.

The information you consent to share in this registry will always be de-identified and confidential. This means that your name or other identifying information will never be linked with the information you share in this registry. Please contact info@dcmfoundation.org for any questions.